The Facebook Conversions API done right: Getting 30% more sales per dollar spent with Blotout Edgetag

December 03, 2021

What if you could cut your advertising cost in half without losing clicks? How about bringing down your cost per click (CPC) by 30% and increasing campaign click-through rates with better targeting? This is exactly what Blotout EdgeTag has done for Lux. Lux deployed Blotout’s single tenant solution to their Cloudflare account and were able to send Facebook signals that optimized their Q3 campaigns. As a result, Lux immediately increased click counts and decreased advertising costs by 33% on their first test and are continuing to refine campaigns with amazing results from this data activation.

About Lux Foundation Solutions

LUX Foundation Solutions is a leading company in the United States specializing in engineering and construction solutions for structural issues faced by homeowners and commercial building contractors. Lux traditionally relied heavily on Facebook's organic content algorithms (discussed below) when promoting its site but found greater success with paid advertising surrounding high-converting lead generation offers, like a free consultation with an engineer.

The Challenge

Facebook is slowly but surely transforming into a pay-to-play platform like many other advertisers; organic reach is not what it used to be. Some say prices are up by 20% and will continue to rise over the years to come, particularly with the pressure from data regulations and privacy changes by Apple which greatly limit Facebook's reach.


Advertising costs on the social media giant have risen steadily over time while demographics and user behavior have shifted.

Lux relies heavily on social media for brand awareness and reach with potential customers. However, it has been difficult to determine an effective return on investment from the many different platforms, including Google and Facebook.

Key Factor

Users are actively moving to privacy browsers as the default as well as enabling ad blocking as the default by a large margin. Consumers are simply looking for ways to take back the feeling of trust first browsing, which in turn is causing massive pain to advertisers around the world, as they now face blocked traffic on their websites, faulty measurements, and data loss.


Website auditors like can identify such losses and see data loss rates of at least 35% for third-party measurements around the globe that are also impacting B2B tools like the Facebook pixel that carry Customer data.

So, the demand for trusted companies and advertisers is clearly on the rise, and even led to a conflict between Apple and Facebook recently when Apple upgraded to IOS 14.5, as Facebook recognized how this change downsized its performance. Undoubtedly, the trend toward trust and privacy will soon become mainstream for all companies that care not only about what they do, but why they do it.

The end of the privacy invasion and predatory marketing methods we have all experienced as users is near. And this is exactly the situation that can be turned into attractive opportunities for advertisers and brands that appreciate this wave of trust. Yet many of them are wondering how they can develop cost-effective solutions that both give them control over how personal information is used both online and offline, and help them continue to perform and compete in the markets. And that's where trust-building solution providers like Blotout come into play. Blotout offers practical solutions that allow advertisers to measure and activate with 100 percent accuracy while maintaining user privacy.

Traditional companies like Lux are now innovating by using Blotout's solutions to achieve a better ROI while being timely enough to remain competitive when using these advertising channels.

The Solution

Blotout EdgeTag for Facebook Conversion API is a game changer. The EdgeTag is a CDN Edge Javascript designed to automatically activate campaign optimization for your owned data by deploying in your Cloudflare, Akamai, Fastly or other CDN accounts. Built-in privacy ensures enterprises can utilize consent mode. The EdgeTag is a plug-and play solution that can run without a server-connection and deploys in minutes. While others are simply hacking at the issue Blotout is delivering business continuity.


Once Edgetag JS tag was installed, Lux ( immediately saw an impact in their CPC.

We reduced our CPC by 0.23 on a 0.90 avg lead click for the same campaign for Lux - considering Covid and seasonality.

Lux also saw an improvement of 33% both in CPC and leads and an increase in lead conversion count by 56% without changing anything on the campaign side with Facebook - as in leaving the campaign details intact. Results are continuing to improve automatically as the data provided back to facebook for conversions, consent and events.

With Facebook Conversions API implemented correctly, via consent mode, and respecting customer trust by collecting only necessary data, Facebook was able to use their own data to find and connect more ideal customers to Lux.






With Facebook ad costs becoming more competitive, the return on investment per conversion and clicks has gone down. For companies like Lux to remain competitive with their online marketing strategies, brands are required to find effective ways of advertising that increase ROI while remaining trust-first with potential customers. Blotout's EdgeTag for Facebook provides businesses with a cost-effective solution to find the right audience at the right time with 100% accurate data.

  • Increase your ROI by up to 45%
  • Decrease CPC by 30% or more
  • Increase lead conversions
  • Get the most out of campaigns and advertising budgets
  • Trust and respect for consumers
  • Be excited about Facebook advertising again!

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